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What Can We Learn From Top Celebrities Diets and Workouts?

Updated: Jan 16

Fit woman

When we want to achieve a goal of sorts, we often look to models of success and take inspiration from people who embody our vision of the realization of that goal. We aim to learn from those people and take note of what they did to reach their success which is no different in terms of body or appearance goals. Oftentimes, we see someone with the type of figure we aim to have and we try to figure out what they did to achieve their physique so that we can attempt to do the same in hopes of getting the same results. However, just like in the world of business, in the world of money, or fame, success stories differ from person to person and there is no one way of becoming successful. If we take these accounts and put them together, however, perhaps we could find a few common denominators that could help us achieve our goals as well.

Checking weight

For many years now we have been sold on diet fads, weight loss pills, detox teas, fat burners, you name it to achieve the physique we desire. Thankfully, it seems that we have finally reached a time where we are becoming more aware of weight-loss myths and tools that are nothing more than money-making schemes full of empty promises. On top of that, people are also becoming more opposed to the old way of thinking involving exercise and have generally come to the consensus that working out for hours on end is kind of ridiculous. Now that we’ve moved past the idea of grapefruit melting belly fat or lemon juice boosting your metabolism, we can look into what we actually need to do to look the way we want to. So, why not look to the people who have achieved the ultimate body goals and see what we can learn from them? 

Nothing says body goals like Hollywood, so I took to google to find out which female celebrities have the most coveted bodies and did a cross-comparison of their workout routines and diets. I suppose I could have saved myself a google search because the women at the top of the list: Jay-Lo, Beyonce, and Jennifer Anniston were no-brainers, but I ventured off into different fields such as models, fitness Youtubers, and the like to get a good comprehensive view of what it takes to get your dream body. Is there one type of exercise that gets you the perfect hourglass figure? Is there a super secret Hollywood movement superior to all the rest that gets these ladies into such incredible shape? Are there magic anti-cellulite, anti-aging concoctions that only they know about? Not very likely. Instead of searching for a cure-all way to look like Jennifer Lopez, let’s take a look at a cross-examination of what they do similarly, besides genetics, having private chefs, dietitians, private trainers, and unlimited resources, and see what we can take away from it all.

I’ve scoured through many, many celebrity magazines, interviews, and personal statements from celebrities to gather data on what they are doing to make them look so dang good. Obviously I can't include each and every report here so I’ve come up with quite the comprehensive list of very important factors that can help us take concrete steps, instead of gimmicky green fat-melting capsules from the jungles of Nicaragua, to look the way we want.  Without further adieu, let’s take a look at the common denominators of some top celebrity diets and exercise workouts.

Similarities In Diet 

The absolute number-one similarity through and through in terms of food is a diet full of whole food sources like whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats and lots of veggies. What an unexpected surprise. Celebs stress consistency and common choices included things like salmon, turkey, avocados, whole grain bread, quinoa, white fish, zucchini noodles, yogurt bowls, fruit, grain salads, smoothies, and the like. Something that was highly emphasized across many celebrities like Jennifer Anniston, Bella Hadid, Zoe Saldana, Gabby Douglas, and Julianne Hough were meals focused on high protein and veggies galore. Many also reported having healthy snacks on hand such as popcorn, celery and almond butter, boiled eggs, etc. 

Another top contender in diet similarities is allowing themselves the food they love but in moderation. Taylor Swift reportedly prepares herself a pile of buckwheat pancakes topped with a fried egg and bacon on weekends, but keeps it simpler during the week relying on salads, yogurt, and sandwiches. Scarlett Johansson is adamant on not depriving herself of the food she loves but not overdoing it either which is a balance similarly reported by many other body icons including Kylie Jenner known for her love of white wine, chips, and Inn & Out. Kylie herself has reported that her diet varies by the day and sometimes includes things like tacos or sandwiches, however she includes vegetables in the mix and opts for healthier options like whole-grain bread. 

Similarities in Exercise 

Keeping workouts diverse, switching things up, and including many types of exercises is something that we can see across the board along with having a consistent routine. Whether it's hiking, biking, boxing, sprinting, pilates, yoga, swimming, HIIT, rock climbing, jogging, bodyweight, or dancing, each account included a wide variety of workout options. Not only that, but most women did a combination of strength training and cardio which includes Beyonce who likes to start off with a 15 minute jog and goes on to do weight training as well as body weight exercises. Reports also included adding light dumbbells to cardio or weighted vests while walking.

woman kickboxing

Most celebrities report not working out every day and limit their exercise time to under an hour, 4-5 days per week. This even goes for celebrities like Jay Lo who is known for her intense exercise regime. They also tend to do workouts that they enjoy and many have reported ditching the long-held view of having to slave away for hours in the gym. Jennifer Anniston is a huge proponent of this who claims that she no longer does long cardio sessions or runs before the break of dawn every morning. She reports that her workouts always change in terms of intensity, volume, duration, and what have you according to how she feels and what her body needs that day.

On top of general exercise, many celebs have revealed that they take part in other activities they enjoy that are also exercise. For instance, Hillary Duff likes to spend time with her kids doing active activities like jumping on the trampoline and playing tennis on Sundays with her hubby. Bella doesn’t shy away from her love of horses and does horseback riding, which she says is an excellent workout! Reports of enjoyable activities that do not feel like exercise and are common and Jay Lo says that her method of this is dancing. 

woman dancing

Workout routines varied greatly from person to person, however they were highly tailored to those person’s needs and goals. For instance, Beyonce focuses on explosiveness so that she can perform the way she needs to and Jennifer Anniston is adamant on listening to her body because she says that being aligned with her body’s needs and taking care of it are most important to her. So, we can see that workouts need to be tailored to what we want to achieve.

Something else that is noteworthy is that these ladies did what they needed to feel comfortable and get the work done whether it be working out outside, having a gym buddy, or working out in the morning because that is what is best for them. So, we can see that doing things we enjoy, having multiple choices in terms of exercise whether it be swimming one day and rock climbing the next, being active through everyday activities, and having a consistent routine are the most important things when it comes to looking our best.

What Do They Do Differently?

Not only can we learn from what these ladies do similarly, I think we can learn equally as much from what they do differently. For example, all of them do things they enjoy and mix up their workouts. However, most of them do different types of workouts at different intensities. That goes to show that there is no one way of exercising to look amazing. Each of them exercises the way and in the place that is in line with their preferences like Kylie who just follows pinterest workouts at home on her bedroom floor. Something else you might notice is that they don’t all eat the same foods, rather the common denominator is whole-food sources. Some celebrities follow vegan diets, some do intermittent fasting, some have 6 meals per day, some don’t drink alcohol, and some don’t diet at all, which is, unsurprisingly, Jennifer Lawrence. Bella is infamous for her espresso intake while Jay Lo doesn’t have any caffeine whatsoever. So, we can see that while the basics are the same, there are huge differences in restrictions and the like and these restrictions seem to be personal choices rather than flat out truths. 

woman on stationary bike

The Celeb Consensus

  1. Stay consistent with diet and exercise - have a routine.

  2. Don’t deprive yourself but keep it in moderation

  3. Get your calories from whole-food sources, whole grains, lean protein, veggies, and healthy fats

  4. Tailor preferences like restrictions, amount of meals per day, and dietary exclusions to you.

  5. Do workouts you enjoy and switch it up - utilize multiple types of cardio, strength exercises, flexibility training, etc.

  6. Don’t workout for hours every day, instead keep it to an hour consistently.

  7. Do full body exercise and a combo of cardio and strength training

  8. Engage in activities you enjoy that are also active like bike riding, walking your dog, or gardening.

  9. Workout where and how you want whether that be at home or the gym. Align it with your goals.

  10. There is no one way of diet or exercise, but there are common denominators which are all included in this list.

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